The 10th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China (ELT2023) 3rd Call
China English Language Education Association will organize the 10th International Conference on ELT in China (ELT2023) in Chengdu on Oct. 13-15, 2023, with the theme of “Advancing Digital Transformation, Innovating English Language Education”. The conference is hosted by the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures of Sichuan University and co-hosted by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. The conference will take the form of keynote speech, symposium, individual paper, poster presentation, and so on.
Conference Theme
Advancing Digital Transformation, Innovating
English Language Education
- Innovative Foreign Language Education Theories
- Whole Person Education in English Courses
- Teaching Materials Development and Research
- College English Language Teaching and Research
- English Language Teaching and Research for English Majors
- English Language Teaching and Research in Vocational Schools and Colleges
- English Language Teaching and Research in Primary and Secondary Schools
- Teaching and Research of Country and Regional Studies
- English for Specific Purposes Teaching and Research
- Linguistics Teaching and Research
- Literature Teaching and Research
- Translation and Interpreting Teaching and Research
- Cross-cultural English Teaching and Research
- Digital Technology & English Language Teaching
- Mixed Method English Language Teaching Research
- English Medium Instruction (EMI)
- Production-oriented Approach
- X Theory
- Critical Thinking English Teaching and Research
- Second Language Acquisition Research
- Foreign Language Teacher Development Research
- Assessment and Testing Research
- Psycholinguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Other related topics
Conference Information
Time: Check-in: October 12th 13:00--22:00, and October 13th 7:30--8:15;
Conference: October 13th-15th
Venue: Homeland Hotel Chengdu
(Address: No.181, Jichang Road, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province; Phone Number: +86 28 82936666, 18080190711)
Organized by: China English Language Education
Hosted by: Sichuan University
Co-hosted by: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Working Languages: English and Chinese
Keynote Speakers
1. Kyria Rebeca Finardi (Federal University of Espirito Santo)
Senior Lecturer and Researcher of the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES), in Vitória, Brazil;Vice President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
Speech Topic: Trends and Innovations in ELT in the Intersection Between Methodology and Technology
2. SUN Youzhong (Beijing Foreign Studies University)
Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University; Chair of the China English Language Education Association; Director of the National Foreign Languages Teaching Advisory Board under The Ministry of Education.
Speech Topic: The Relationship of Chinese and Foreign Cultures in English Education
3. XU Xiaofei (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Professor in the Faculty of Computing at Harbin Institute of Technology, Fellow and Board Member of the China Computer Federation (CCF), and Deputy Director of the Software Engineering Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education.
Speech Topic: From MOOC to the Future New Format of Higher Education in the Digital
4. Hayo Reinders (Anaheim University)
TESOL Professor and Director of the doctoral programme at Anaheim University in the USA as well as Professor of Applied Linguistics at KMUTT in Thailand. Editor of the journal Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching.
Speech Topic: Encouraging Out-of-class Learning with Augmented Reality
5. JIANG Yanfei (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd)
Director of the Translation Center at Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., with over 20 years of professional translation experience, having translated and reviewed over ten million words.
Speech Topic: The Development of Foreign Language Talents in the Era of Human-computer
6. WANG Xin (Sichuan University)
Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures of Sichuan University; Member of the National Foreign Languages Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education; Deputy Director of the Sichuan University American Studies Center; Managing Director of the National American Literature Society.
Speech Topic: New standards, New futures, New ecology-Promoting the Development of
Digital Education
AILA-East Asia Forum
Theme:EFL Teachers’ Digital Literacy
Chair: YANG Lifang, Associate professor,Beijing Foreign Studies University
Prof. Noriko Nakanishi,Kobe Gakuin University
Speech Topic:Activities for English Oral Communication
Training and Assessment: Tailored to Different Proficiency Levels, for Different
Purposes, to Improve Different Competencies
Prof. HU Jiehui,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Speech Topic:Chinese College Foreign Language
Teachers’ Digital Literacy: Beliefs and Practices
Invited symposium
Invited symposium 1
The theoretical and practical Exploration of the integration of Content Language with Foreign Language Education
Chair: Prof.
CHANG Junyue(Dalian University
of Foreign Languages)
Invited symposium 2
Foreign Language Education Practices of the Empowerment and Enhancement Educational Approach
Chair: Prof.
ZHANG Wenzhong(Nankai University)
Invited symposium 3
Reform and Practice of English Literature Education in the Perspective of International Communication Capacity Building
Chair: Prof.
LUO Lianggong (Central China Normal University)
Invited symposium 4
Cultivation of English Teacher Training Talents in the Context of New Liberal Arts
Chair: Prof. JI Xiaoting (Tianjin Normal University)
Invited symposium 5
Exploring the Reform of English Blended Teaching for the Construction of New Liberal Arts Subjects
Chair: Prof.
XIE Shijian (Guangxi Normal University)
Invited symposium 6
Metapragmatics in English Classroom Teaching
Chair: Prof.
CHEN Xinren (Nanjing University)
Invited symposium 7
The New Normal of English Specialization under Digital Empowerment
Chair: Prof.
ZHANG Xin (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
Registration and Inquiry
Conference Fees:
- Domestic attendees: RMB 1,600 per person
- International attendees: $230 per person
- Members of the China English Language Education Association/Organizing Institutions: RMB 1,400 per person
- Early-Bird Price: RMB 1,400 ($200) per person (before September 15th, 2023)
- Full-time graduate students: RMB 800 per person
The conference
fee includes meals. Please register and pay on the official conference website (http://elt2023.aconf.org). Expenses of travel
and accommodation shall be borne by attendees themselves. The organizing committee
has reserved rooms for registered attendees. Please register and pay by October
7th at the latest.
For attendees
who have submitted paper abstracts and received acceptance notices, invitation letters
have been sent to you via email. Please complete your payment by September 15th
as instructed, otherwise your paper presentation will be considered forfeited.
Email: elt2023@126.com (email recommended for comprehensive feedback)
For registration and payment: SU Yan (028-85412023)
For conference
affairs: LING Ximan (18780092023); HU Gang (13882093913)
Official Websites:
Conference Website: http://elt2023.aconf.org
China English Language Education Association: http://www.celea.org.cn
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures of Sichuan University: https://flc.scu.edu.cn/
The 10th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China Committee
China English Language Education Association